Global CEO Outlook – Energy perspective
Global CEO Outlook – Energy perspective
It has been a year of change in the Energy sector, but CEOs globally appear cautiously optimistic about what’s coming down the pipe for their companies in the years ahead.
It has been a year of change in the Energy sector, but CEOs globally appear cautiously optimistic about what’s coming down the pipe for their companies in the years ahead.
Despite significant challenges ranging from new market entrants to environmental regulations, CEOs remain focused on growth. Forty-two percent of Energy CEOs are more confident about their prospects for growth over the next 3 years than they were last year, while 76 percent expect their headcount to rise over the next 3 years. Global expansion is also high on the agenda – with 52 percent of CEOs planning to dedicate significant financial resources to their expansion efforts.
These and other findings outlined in this report show that while it’s a turbulent time for Energy companies – it’s also a time of opportunity, where companies recognize the need to take more risks if they are to achieve their long-term objectives.
This report shares the insights of CEOs within the global Energy sector, a key segment of our 2015 Global CEO Outlook – a survey of over 1,250 CEOs representing many of the world’s largest companies. To find out more about our overall results, visit:
We hope you enjoy the findings
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