2015 Change Readiness Index

2015 Change Readiness Index

2015 is a milestone year for the world. In the fall, world leaders gather in the United Nations General Assembly to embrace a new set of goals – the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – to guide development activity through 2030. This meeting is the culmination of unprecedented levels of interaction among millions of representatives of civil society, governments and business, with the aim of setting priorities for the world’s future.

Contreras, Claudia

Socia, Advisory

KPMG in Colombia

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2015 is a milestone year for the world. In the fall, world leaders gather in the United Nations General Assembly to embrace a new set of goals – the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – to guide development activity through 2030. This meeting is the culmination of unprecedented levels of interaction among millions of representatives of civil society, governments and business, with the aim of setting priorities for the world’s future.

The SDGs will reflect key challenges and opportunities in a global landscape of accelerating change, including vulnerabilities to shocks, as well as longer-term trends such as growing populations demanding higher living standards, shifts in wealth distribution, climate change and new technologies.

Recent thinking and attention has focused on building resilience at the community, country, regional and global levels. To get this right, stakeholders need to understand the complex dynamics of change. The Change Readiness Index (CRI) is an important contribution to the development debate, reflecting KPMG’s commitment to new approaches and insights.

The CRI is about creating and measuring capacity for change and resilience at all levels and in all spheres of society. In the third edition since its launch in 2012, the CRI offers refined methodology and greater country coverage, now comprising 127 countries and 97 percent of the world’s population.

Today, business and public sectors alike seek to handle risks better. The indicators of change readiness can help analysts and policy makers understand, manage and mitigate risk across different country settings. The CRI empowers decision-makers to be both responsible and innovative. It informs efforts to build greater change readiness and seize new opportunities that benefit society. It provides a relevant framework for aspiring to the SDGs, including through new and ambitious partnerships involving civil society, government and business. This is what it will take to build a better world. 

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