

The Global Strategy Group’s proprietary 9 Levers of Value approach focuses on value creation, protection and delivery from Innovation to Results.

A disciplined approach drives results.

The Global Strategy Group difference: Getting from ‘Innovation to Results

’Value means different things to different people: reputation, financial performance, shareholder returns, customer satisfaction and loyalty, social good, balancing budgets, stability and agility to name a few. Situations also define value: growth, operating efficiency, transformation and deals for example.

The 9 Levers of Value represent the key elements of an organization’s financial, business and operating model that CEOs and executives can pull when designing and implementing strategy. The framework and approach can be applied at the corporate strategy level or within the portfolio at the business unit level. It works for international and national organizations, large and small, private, public and not-for-profit. We have used the 9 Levers of Value for more than two decades with clients to help them create, protect and deliver value. Over this period we have learned the importance of aligning financial, business and operating models to crafting and executing successful strategies. This framework is designed to bring a greater focus and a deeper level of understanding of the dynamics between all 9 Levers of Value, providing leaders with increased visibility and control through planning and execution.

We have helped clients understand the benefits of framing strategic choices through financial outcomes and appetite for investment and risk play. This enables those tasked with designing and implementing strategy to prioritize by materiality and criticality. The 9 Levers of Value also focuses attention on the intended and unintended strategic, financial and operational consequences of choices.

In the 9 Levers of Value way of thinking we bring a powerful and pragmatic results-driven strategy framework to CEOs and leading management teams. The 9 Levers of Value can be used to create a prospectus for change and transformation in organic and M&A strategies. As an approach it can be cascaded down through an organization as a way of thinking about and executing strategy.