IT attestation
IT attestation
IT attestation provides assurance to, and enhances the relationships with your clients, stakeholders, or other organisations and partners.
IT attestation provides assurance to stakeholders, or other organisations and partners.
IT Attestation and Security, Privacy and Continuity
Assisting our clients in technical aspects of IT risk management and control
Global market developments and trends such as outsourcing, offshoring, and eCommerce bring with them new forms of risk to the organisation and therefore an increase in regulatory requirements to meet the assurance needs of stakeholders.
IT Attestation through independent assessment of control design and effectiveness provides assurance to, and enhances the relationships with your clients, stakeholders, or other organisations and partners.
KPMG's IT Advisory is accredited to provide attestation services such as the SAS70 audit report on service providers.
One of the key features of our Attestation Service is that via an 'agreed upon procedure' we can review and assess exactly the controls and control areas that our clients consider to be important.
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