Intellectual property and contract compliance services

Intellectual property and contract compliance services

KPMG helps clients with the licensing business in various forms of intellectual property rights, such as patents, copyright or know-how.

KPMG helps clients with the licensing business in various forms of IP rights.

Many companies have commercial relationships with third partiesbusiness partners where payments and receipts are based on self-declarations that can be difficult to monitor, verify, or check. These relationships frequently arise from the licensing of various forms of intellectual property rights, such as patents, copyright or know-how.

KPMG takes a multidisciplinary approach to these services, enabling us to understand partnering relationships for a large range of contractual compliance obligations. Our forensic background allows us to focus on facts rather than on opinions. We have helped many of our clients gain full value due from contracts and intellectual property rights; this has allowed our clients to maintain or improve relationships with their partners while achieving recovery/fee ratios often in excess of 15:1 through increased revenues or reduced costs.

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