This report is the 17th annual survey that KPMG has published for China’s banking industry. This edition provides analysis of China’s economic and financial conditions, a review of banking development and its outlook going forward, interpretation of regulatory policies, analysis of important topics, and banks’ performance data. Amid rising uncertainties in the industry, we have invited experts from KPMG China’s various banking service lines to analyse important issues in depth and provide insights into development trends. Our discussions focus on topics such as digital transformation, sustainability, risk management, data-driven initiatives, and management compliance. From industry best practices and tech development trends, to business scenario innovation, we have shared our exclusive insights into the industry’s current situation, and provided ideas for innovative solutions.
We have also illustrated and analysed the individual operating indicators of 150 listed and non-listed commercial banks in 2022, and analysed their scale of business, profitability, asset quality, capital adequacy and other key indicators in depth to provide a valuable reference for decision-making.
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