Article Posted date
18 October 2022
KPMG launched the 2022 CEO Outlook on 18 October 2022. This is the 8th edition of KPMG CEO Outlook, conducted with 1,325 CEOs between 12 July and 24 August 2022, provides unique insight into the mindset, strategies and planning tactics of CEOs not only comparable to pre-pandemic to today, but also from KPMG’s CEO Pulse Survey conducted between 12 January and 9 February 2022 with 500 CEOs.
- More than eight out of 10 surveyed CEOs anticipate a recession over the next 12 months, with more than half expecting it to be mild and short
- Seven out of 10 believe a recession will disrupt anticipated growth
- However, rising confidence in longer-term growth of the global economy and their own companies’ prospects
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