Creating a leading central bank
Creating a leading central bank
Periods of crisis such as that caused by the COVID-19 pandemic call for decisive action from financial authorities to provide economic support and maintain public confidence. Central banks need to act as the first line of defense — protecting economies, while also stimulating the recovery of trading, commercial and financing activities.
While all efforts have been directed to deal with the crisis, central banks also have to maintain and in some cases enhance their internal controls and risk governance. Supervising a banking system on the edge of an accelerated era of transformation is a major task. As a result, this year has been one of the busiest and most demanding for central banks in living memory.
Although some of the second quarter data indicates that global GDP and countries’ specific outputs have not been as severely affected as initially projected, this crisis still seems likely to generate bigger impacts than even the global financial crisis (GFC) that began in 2008/09.
The ramifications could last for many years and central banks will continue to have a pivotal role to play in enabling the recovery.
In this updated publication of the KPMG Central Bank network, we share some of our experiences in engaging with central banks around the world during the crisis — to support their responses and transformation projects, and help them formulate strategies that further bolster risk management and performance in extraordinary times.
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