Part II: Concrete guidance for the set-up of the Agile Internal Audit Function and the execution of Agile audits
Challenging, valuable and innovative...
... are key words used by their stakeholders to describe Agile Internal Audit Functions (IAFs). “Agile is also about showing guts”, said a major international bank, which is already applying this innovative way of working.
In 2019, KPMG conducted an international survey1 among more than 120 organizations about the application of Agile principles within different departments. Eighty per cent of the organizations has started to work in a more Agile way in the past three years and the remaining twenty per cent had already been doing so for a longer period. This shows that organizations, and therefore IAFs, are working more and more Agile.
Based on our international client exposure and experiences with Agile auditing, we further elaborate on the theoretical knowledge and practical insights of part 1 and provide concrete guidance in applying the Agile principles in this second white paper.
1 The complete results of the survey can be found here.
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