Risk Management and Regulation Newsletter
Risk Management and Regulation Newsletter
Issue 3, Q1 2020
Welcome to our Risk Management and Regulation Newsletter
It is hard to have any kind of discussion on professional or personal matters in Hong Kong at present without the conversation quickly turning to the impact and fall out of COVID-19. While we think this is likely to be the norm for the next few months at least, there are signs that indicate people are looking beyond COVID-19. In our view, as companies and institutions respond to the effects of the pandemic, they will go through four phases: Reaction – responding to immediate challenges; Resilience – managing through uncertainty; Recovery – resetting and identifying opportunities; and the New Reality – adapting to a new world. Our belief is that many institutions in Hong Kong are very much into the Recovery stage and some are actively thinking and planning for the New Reality stage.
Topics in this issue include:
- Sustainable Investing
- Operational Resilience in Financial Services
- Regulatory Driven Transformation
- COVID-19: Financial Risk Management
- AML/CTF and Sanctions: Digital IDs
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