On the 2020 nomination committee agenda
On the 2020 nomination committee agenda
Board Leadership Centre
The nomination committee agenda for 2020 needs to be sharp, focused, and executed with resolve. The nomination committee is operating in a business environment shaped by coronavirus crisis, technological and digital innovation, cybersecurity risks, and scrutiny of corporate culture, as well as growing demands to address environmental and social issues and activism by shareholders, employees, and other stakeholders – all against a backdrop of geopolitical volatility and economic uncertainty. The demands on boards have never been greater, and in the year ahead, the nomination committee will be under intense pressure to help the chairman with excellence by optimising the board’s composition, structure and operations.
Drawing on insights from our work and interactions with nomination committee members, board chairs, company secretaries and business leaders, we highlight seven items for nomination committees to keep in mind as they consider and carry out their 2020 agendas.
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