Integrating ESG into your business
Integrating ESG into your business
A step-by-step guide helping companies in Hong Kong to proactively and holistically integrate ESG into their business
Amid rapid developments in the environmental, social and governance (ESG) space and rising stakeholder demand for improved sustainability performance, it is essential for business leaders to adopt a proactive approach to holistically integrate ESG into their business.
KPMG China has once again collaborated with CLP Holdings Limited and the Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries to jointly produce this publication. Integrating ESG into your business aims to provide step-by-step guidance and recommendations together with insights from interviews with leading companies. These should help corporates address the central issue of integrating ESG value drivers into sustainable business models.
This effort should encompass corporate governance, risk management, strategies, reporting and more. Integrating ESG concerns into business strategies allows companies to capture the trends on this front as well as helps them stay alert to ESG risks in both operations and their value chains.
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