China Pensions Landscape:The year in review and what's ahead
China Pensions Landscape:The year in review and...
KPMG’s report examines the latest developments in China’s pension industry, analysing the business significance and opportunities for financial firms.
China’s ageing society is developing the infrastructure to take care of a growing number of its elderly people. KPMG has launched China Pensions Landscape: The Year in Review and What’s Ahead to examine the business significance of these efforts, especially for financial companies able to find opportunities in the fast-growing pension sector.
This report updates and builds on KPMG’s findings from last year, when we identified sector convergence as a distinct feature of the Chinese pension industry. This year we explain the most recent changes, from rapid product development and inter-industry competition to new advances in pension tech. We also forecast several important trends that we expect to play out over the short to medium term.
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