Sustainable fashion - A survey on global perspectives

Sustainable fashion - A survey on global perspectives

The current understanding of sustainable fashion & what could encourage responsible buying

sustainable label

Are global consumers ready to embrace sustainable fashion? The key goal of this survey – which was commissioned by Fashion Summit, sponsored by HSBC and supported by KPMG – was to explore the current understanding of sustainable fashion and what could help encourage responsible buying behaviour. 

The survey, which was carried out in Hong Kong, London, New York, Shanghai and Tokyo, with at least 1,000 people polled in each city, collected views on people’s definition of ‘sustainable fashion’, their support for it, their willingness to pay for it, and their ideas on possible measures the fashion industry should adopt to promote sustainability. 

We found some significant variations in attitudes between the cities. For example, according to the survey, respondents from Shanghai seem to be the most enthusiastic supporters of the idea. There were also some noticeable East-West divides, with London and New York viewing socioeconomic factors as crucial to sustainability, while Hong Kong, Shanghai and Tokyo tend to be more focused on environmental factors. 

It was gratifying to discover that the vast majority of those we polled – nearly four out of five – are concerned about environmental issues, and that nearly two-thirds regard themselves as supportive of sustainable fashion. 

The report provides insights into the current situation and the future of sustainable fashion. We are hopeful that by addressing these and other challenges, a world in which everyone purchases fashion that is made, worn and disposed of in a sustainable manner is well within the capabilities of the global fashion industry. 

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