Forensic Focus: Financial Reporting Fraud in China - Outlook and Trends
Financial Reporting Fraud in China - Outlook and Trends
With China’s economic growth slowing and increasing financial pressures from global headquarters and/or capital markets, KPMG has seen a growing trend in pervasive and sophisticated financial reporting fraud in China.
What we are seeing
Despite the rapidly changing forms of financial reporting fraudulent behaviour and misconduct, we see that the majority of cases share classic early warning signs, which still go unnoticed.
Case Study 1 – Global consumer products manufacturer
KPMG assisted a global leading consumer products manufacturer on an internal investigation at its China subsidiary. It was alleged that various employees, including the China CEO, were involved in a sophisticated financial reporting fraud scheme involving overstatement of revenue and under-recording of sales rebates. The China subsidiary’s business previously had reported steady growth, but was increasingly unable to meet its KPIs set by HQ. This resulted in a high pressure environment, with a high turnover of key management staff.
Case Study 2 – Hong Kong listed retailer
KPMG assisted a Hong Kong listed retailer with an internal investigation into concerns of financial statement fraud, including undisclosed related party transactions and advance payments being made to suppliers without reasonable business rationale.
The concerns were initially raised by the external auditors and subsequently reported to the regulators. It was suspected that the scheme had been ongoing for many years, and neither the governance body (e.g. the Board of Directors) nor the external auditor could identify specific evidence of the suspected financial statement fraud.
© 2025 KPMG Huazhen LLP, a People's Republic of China partnership, KPMG Advisory (China) Limited, a limited liability company in Chinese Mainland, KPMG, a Macau (SAR) partnership, and KPMG, a Hong Kong (SAR) partnership, are member firms of the KPMG global organisation of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.
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