Finance and treasury management

Finance and treasury management

Our KPMG team of experts shows you the right way for Finance and Treasury Management

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The world is becoming more complicated and the pace of change in financial markets, supply chains, regulations, technology and the overall business environment is accelerating. We believe that although these changes present challenges to treasurers, they also offer an unprecedented opportunity for treasury departments to move up the value chain and play a key role in driving the success of their businesses.KPMG has over 400 treasury management practitioners driving innovation and delivering leading practice methodologies to corporate treasurers and CFOs across the globe. With the experience of one of the leading consulting houses for corporate treasury, we can find the right approach for you.  We have been working closely with our clients as they respond to the opportunities offered by the Greater Bay Area and corporate treasury centre initiatives. Our experts can support you in all aspects of treasury and financial risk management, treasury accounting, treasury tax, capital markets, working capital management and treasury IT.

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