Connecting opportunities in the Greater Bay Area: Perspectives from Hong Kong’s international business community

Connecting opportunities in the Greater Bay Area

A joint KPMG and AustCham report on Greater Bay Area opportunities and recommendations for Hong Kong

Tsing Ma Bridge

The Greater Bay Area (GBA) represents a collaborative initiative and a significant opportunity to shape the future of Hong Kong and the ten other cities within the Pearl River Delta. The continued development of the region leaves it well-positioned to play a leading role in advanced manufacturing, technology and innovation, transportation, trade and finance.

To further explore commercial opportunities in the GBA, KPMG China and the Australian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong – together with the Australian Chambers in Southern China and Macau –have launched a new report. The report presents views from Hong Kong’s international business community on how to leverage the city’s strengths and competitive advantages, and maximise business opportunities to deliver mutually beneficial growth across the GBA.

The views of the Hong Kong business leaders interviewed for this report reflect a wide variety of recommendations across a range of industries and services, including financial services, tax, technology and innovation, data management, construction and infrastructure and arbitration. A number of key recommendations are highlighted and explored in further detail in this publication.

Some other key themes discussed in the report include how rules and regulations might be reframed to allow for greater efficiency and collaboration in the GBA, the barriers for Hong Kong and international companies seeking to do business in the region, and the ways in which the GBA can serve as a springboard for China’s ongoing internationalisation.

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