ESG: A view from the top

ESG: A view from the top

The KPMG, CLP and HKICS Survey on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)

green plant seedling grow from old tree stump

Increasing demand from institutional investors to invest in sustainable businesses, coupled with growing public expectations around corporate responsibility, are placing a greater focus on companies to address environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues related to their business.

KPMG China, in association with CLP and the Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries, has launched ESG: a view from the top, which surveyed more than 200 senior executives of Hong Kong listed companies on how they are addressing these concerns and driving ESG development in the region.

The survey finds that business leaders see the value of ESG in their businesses, in line with growing evidence that ESG factors contribute to long-term sustainable financial performance. However, many of them have not fully incorporated dealing with material ESG concerns as part of their business practice.

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