Customs Policy Update - for the Period of July 2018
Customs Policy Update - for the Period of July 2018
Customs Policy Update – July 2018
Announcement on Adjusting the Electronic Message Format for the Declaration of Watercrafts and Aircrafts that Enter or Exit China and Carry Cargoes under Customs Supervision within the Territory of China (Announcement No.83 [2018] of the General Administration of Customs)
For the purposes of further improving the standards for the electronic message format for the declaration of watercrafts and aircrafts that enter or exit China and carry cargoes under customs supervision within the territory of China, in cooperation with the implementation of “Vessel Tonnage Tax Law” of the People's Republic of China, the General Administration of Customs has made some adjustments of the Electronic Message Format for the Declaration of Watercrafts and Aircrafts that Enter or Exit China and Carry Cargoes under Customs Supervision within the Territory of China, which has mainly adjusted some data items in the electronic message format, specifically including “the Messages of the China Customs for the Declaration of Watercrafts and Aircrafts that Enter or Exit China XML Schema”, “the Instructions for Adjusting the Message Format of the China Customs for Watercrafts and Aircrafts that Enter or Exit China”, and “the Instructions for Changing the Message Format of the China Customs for Watercrafts and Aircrafts that Enter or Exit China”.
Announcement on Relevant Matters Concerning Warehouse Receipt and Delivery Bill of Goods in the Export Supervised Warehouse (Announcement No.85 [2018] of the General Administration of Customs)
For the purpose of facilitating enterprises to complete the warehouse and delivery formalities on goods in the export supervised warehouse, the General Administration of Customs issued the announcement on 6 July 2018 and determined enterprises that have used the bonded verification and endorsement list for warehouse and delivery formalities on goods in the export supervised warehouse are not required to submit the “Warehouse Receipt of the Export Supervised Warehouse” and “Delivery Bill of Export Supervised Warehouse” to the Customs.
Announcement on Optimizing Inspection and Quarantine Regulations on Export Goods (Announcement No.89 [2018] of the General Administration of Customs)
For the purposes of implementing the requirements of the State Council for institutional reform, further deepening integrated customs clearance, optimizing inspection and quarantine regulations and promoting trade facilitation, the General Administration of Customs issued the announcement on 11 July 2018. According to the announcement, export companies should file an application with customs agency to have their export products inspected and quarantined; after the inspection is completed, the customs agency will keep an electronic record of the inspection results, feedback electronic record data number to the enterprise and issue inspection & quarantine certificates; the export companies shall provide the electronic data to complete the customs clearance procedures. The Announcement will be implemented as from 1 August, 2018.
Announcement on the Electronization of Inspection and Quarantine Documents (Announcement No.90 [2018] of the General Administration of Customs)
For the purposes of promoting the foreign trade facilitation and improving the customs clearance efficiency, the General Administration of Customs issued the announcement on 11 July, 2018. According to the announcement, applicants could provide electronic information of relevant documents in accordance with the requirements when handling the inspection and quarantine formalities with the Customs, and no more paper documents are required to submit in the course of declaration. The applicants shall ensure the truthfulness and effectiveness of the electronic documents, and keep relevant paper documents as required. The applicants shall submit relevant paper documents if the Custom requires to review these paper documents during the process of supervision. The announcement will be implemented as from 1 August, 2018.
Announcement on Relevant Matters Concerning Adjusting the Supervision of Inbound and Outbound Water or Air Transportation Vehicles and the Cargo Manifests Thereof (Announcement No.93 [2018] of the General Administration of Customs)
The General Administration of Customs issued the announcement on 13 July 2018. Relevant matters concerning adjusting the supervision of the means of air or water transportation entering and leaving China and the cargo manifests are hereby announced as follows: definitions of “Master Bill of Lading (Shipping)” and “House Bill of Lading (Shipping)”; record filing; transmission of information of transit goods, transshipment goods and through goods; time limitations; reporting and shipment of export goods ship side delivery; inbound processing of containerized goods and non-containerized goods on the same ship; electronic data of empty inbound and outbound containers.The announcement will be implemented as of the date of issuance.
Announcement on Carrying out the Pilot Program of Printing the Special Customs Bills for Payment (Joint Announcement No.100 [2018] of the General Administration of Customs, the State Administration of Taxation, the Ministry of Finance and the State Archives Administration)
The General Administration of Customs, Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation and the State Archives Administration jointly issued the announcement on 24 July 2018. These four departments decided to expand the scope of the pilot program of printing the special customs bills for payment on the basis of previous pilot from 31 August 2018. The customs directly under the General Administration of Customs will determine the business scope of pilot program and report to the General Administration of Customs for record.
Announcement on Mid-term Review Ruling on the Dumping and Dumping Margin of Imports of Dispersion-unshifted Single Mode Fiber Originating in the United States (Announcement No.53 [2018] of the Ministry of Commerce)
The Ministry of Commerce issued the announcement on 10 July 2018, deciding to levy anti-dumping duty on imports of dispersion-unshifted single mode fiber originating in the United States from 11 July 2018 in accordance with different tax rates. The specific tax rates are as follows: Coming Incorporated at 37.9%; OFS Fitel, LLC at 33.3%; Draka Communications Americas, Inc at 78.2% and all others at 78.2%.
Announcement on the Ruling of the Expiry Review of the Anti-dumping Measures against Imports of Optical Fiber Preform Originating in Japan and the United States (Announcement No.57 [2018] of the Ministry of Commerce)
The Ministry of Commerce issued the announcement on 10 July 2018, deciding to levy anti-dumping duty on imports of optical fiber preform originating in Japan and the United States for five years since July 11, 2018.
Announcement on the Preliminary Ruling on the Anti-dumping Investigation against Imports of Acrylonitrile-butadiene Rubber Originating in the Republic of Korea and Japan (Announcement No.61 [2018] of the Ministry of Commerce)
The Ministry of Commerce issued the announcement on 16 July 2018,deciding that import operators shall pay relevant margin to the Customs of the People's Republic of China at the rate determined by this ruling for each company when importing the acrylonitrile-butadiene rubber originating in the Republic of Korea and Japan.
Local Customs Regulation Update
Announcement on Implementing the Operating Mode of “Declaration after Entry” (Announcement No.12 [2018] of the Chengdu Customs )
For the purpose of promoting the facilitation of customs clearance of goods entering and leaving China through Chengdu Special Customs Supervision and Administration Zone, Chengdu Customs issued the announcement on 29 June 2018 and specified the definition on implementing the operating mode of “declaration after entry” goods entering SHFTZ from abroad within the areas under special customs supervision zone; conditions and operating procedures that relevant enterprises shall comply with. The announcement will be implemented as from 1 July, 2018.
Announcement on Implementation of the “Centralized Declaration for Goods Imported or Exported by Lots” Mode (Announcement No.9 [2018] of the Taiyuan Customs )
For the purposes of promoting the customs clearance facilitation for goods imported into and exported from Taiyuan Customs and standardizing the supervision mode of the “Centralized Declaration for Goods Imported or Exported by Lots”. Taiyuan Customs issued the announcement on 16 July 2018, specifying the required conditions, operating procedures for enterprises applicable to the implementation of “Centralized Declaration for Goods Imported or Exported by Lots” mode and circumstances that are applicable to suspend this mode. The announcement will be implemented as of the date of issuance.
Contact us
Northern China
Eric Zhou
China Trade and Customs Services
Lead Partner
Tel: +86 (10) 8508 7610
Helen Han
Tel: +86 (10) 8508 7627
Central and Eastern China
Anthony Chau
Tel: +86 (21) 2212 3206
Dong Cheng
Tel: +86 (21) 2212 3410
Rachel Tao
Tel: +86 (21) 2212 3473
Southern China
Grace Luo
Tel: +86 (20) 3813 8609
Vivian Chen
Tel: +86 (755) 2547 1198
Hong Kong
Daniel Hui
Tel: +852 2522 7815
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