KPMG China’s Our Impact Plan (OIP) highlights our environmental, social and governance (ESG) commitments and progress across four key pillars: Governance, People, Planet and Prosperity. OIP demonstrates our commitment to greater transparency and accountability for our actions and impact on society and the environment.
Chairman’s message
Welcome to KPMG China's third annual ESG report, Our Impact Plan. In the face of significant challenges, such as extreme weather, an energy crisis, geopolitical instability and more, we remain steadfast in our belief that putting ESG into practice is a core responsibility of the business community. In doing so, we have incorporated ESG principles across our company strategy, business operations and services, creating positive impacts for our people, our clients, the environment and society.
Chairman’s message
Welcome to KPMG China's third annual ESG report, Our Impact Plan. In the face of significant challenges, such as extreme weather, an energy crisis, geopolitical instability and more, we remain steadfast in our belief that putting ESG into practice is a core responsibility of the business community. In doing so, we have incorporated ESG principles across our company strategy, business operations and services, creating positive impacts for our people, our clients, the environment and society.
Sustainable development needs to go beyond lip service – it should be backed by sound principles and philosophies. China has put ESG at the heart of several ambitious national strategies, including green transformation, rural revitalisation and its 'dual carbon' goals. We are committed to joining the nation on this journey and playing our part to realise mutual gains for society and corporates, while achieving more impactful sustainable development.
As a professional services firm, KPMG has pledged to accelerate its ESG strategy. In 2021, the firm announced a global investment of USD 1.5 billion in its ESG change agenda and capacity building. As part of this, we are leveraging our leading expertise in the financial markets and ESG arena to lend support to businesses with their own low-carbon transformations – creating long-term value and helping cultivate a sustainable business ecosystem.
We have also forged in-depth collaborations with institutions in China’s carbon market as we look to contribute to our country’s green transformation. In July 2022, KPMG China signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the China Carbon Emissions Registration and Clearing Company Limited (CCERC) – the only carbon emissions registration and clearing institution authorised by the Chinese Government. In December 2022, KPMG China officially joined the China Carbon Neutral Action Alliance (CCNAA), which is led by the Shanghai Environment and Energy Exchange, as a council member.
Tackling climate change requires us all to change our mindsets and behaviours. Globally, KPMG has committed to halving our direct and indirect carbon emissions by 2030 as we strive to become a net-zero carbon organisation. At this stage, our core strategies focus on improving energy efficiency, sourcing renewable energy options, promoting sustainable business travel, reducing carbon emissions along the supply chain, promoting circular economy and protecting biodiversity.
In 2022, we launched the internal carbon price (ICP), which links our carbon emissions to financial costs. Moreover, we engaged with top suppliers in China in the CDP Supply Chain programme as we look to understand and reduce our supply chain emissions. To protect nature and biodiversity, we have collaborated with many local and global non-profit organisations (NPOs) to support conservation projects that aim to restore our freshwater, wetland, forest and marine ecosystems, thus promoting the transition to become nature positive.
Incorporating ESG principles into our corporate culture and people strategy is a key priority. We strive to promote a gender inclusive and equitable workplace by upholding the values of Inclusion, Diversity and Equity. At KPMG China, women represent over 33% of our board and 42% of leadership positions. We are also innovating our work models by introducing more flexibility for all our people under the Everyone Agile initiative, and equipping our people with professional ESG training to empower them to become a formidable force in our ESG transformation.
Over the years, KPMG China has continued to support the communities in which we operate. We give back to society and take our role as a responsible corporate citizen seriously. In 2022, we were awarded the United Nation Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) Country Award in the Community Engagement and Partnerships category, acknowledging our contribution to driving gender equality in communities. We also support KPMG’s global ‘10by30’ strategy, which aims to economically empower over 10 million disadvantaged young people around the world through education, employment and entrepreneurship. In 2022, KPMG China launched ‘Light the future’, an educational volunteer programme to equip disadvantaged youths with future-ready skills and a work-based learning experience, enabling them to be adaptive and competitive in their future careers. Moreover, we promote rural revitalisation by building capacity for social organisations and upgrading infrastructure to improve the quality of education in rural areas in China. We are always keen to see our people devote their time, expertise and skills to volunteer work, and deliver meaningful impacts to the wider community and the environment.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. In times of uncertainty and challenges, sustainability is the key to building adaptability and resilience. It is a consensus in the global community that ESG is a fundamental cornerstone of sustainable development. However, we also need to move from words to deeds – initiating change requires concrete actions.
Looking forward, KPMG China will strive to lead by example and take the necessary actions to put our commitments into action. ESG will continue to be the watermark running through our organisation, while our purpose – to inspire confidence and empower change – will guide our way of doing business. Together with our stakeholders, we aspire to be proactive in initiating change as we build a sustainable and promising future.
Honson To
KPMG Asia Pacific and China
Our commitments and highlights at a glance
Our commitments
Purposeful business
- Always act with a clear purpose
- Lead the profession in audit quality
- Drive a responsible tax practice
Acting transparently with integrity and accountability
- Act lawfully, ethically and in the public interest
- Work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery
Human rights
- Respect human rights
Our highlights
of board members are female
100% completion rate of our anti-corruption training achieved by our Board & Executive Committee members
of our people are required to take anti-corruption training
Taking a rigorous approach to the
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
process to identify and manage potential top risks
Formalising the establishment of an independent and dedicated Investigation Unit to receive and systematically deal with cases of misconduct
Reducing our impact on the environment to build a more sustainable and resilient future
Making a positive social and economic impact and driving good corporate citizenship
“Driven by Our Impact Plan, KPMG China is actively integrating ESG into our daily operations and striving to create a corporate culture of sustainable development. While assisting our clients to achieve their own sustainable development visions, we lead by example by committing to being a responsible corporate citizen, protecting the environment, helping communities in need, and supporting national strategies such as ‘rural revitalisation’ and the ‘dual carbon’ goals. We hope to have more like-minded individuals join us on this journey so we can all play a role in building a more sustainable future.”
Wilson Pang
Head of Our Impact Plan, KPMG China
Senior Partner, Advisory, Southern Region, KPMG China
Board member, KPMG Foundation
Our key ESG focus
As a result of our refreshed materiality assessment, we identified three new material topics – namely circularity, nature and biodiversity, and alignment with government priorities – adding up to a total of 15 material topics that matter to the firm and our key stakeholders.
We will continue to review these material topics on a regular basis to ensure that they remain relevant and aligned with the OIP goals.
1. Purpose, culture and values
As a professional services firm, our purpose – to inspire confidence and empower change –guides our way of doing business. Our corporate culture and values help drive consistency in how we make our decisions every day.
2. Relevant quality services in the public interest
Providing services that align with the public interest allows us to create a positive impact for our stakeholders.
3. Ethics, integrity and independence
By acting with integrity and maintaining independence, we become trustworthy and shape how we are viewed by the world.
4. Transparency and accountability
We maintain transparency and open communication with our stakeholders. We hold ourselves accountable for our actions.
5. Information protection
Cybersecurity and data privacy represent significant risks if they are not closely monitored. Protecting information is fundamental to every service that we offer to our clients.
6. Talent attraction, development and retention
Attracting, nurturing and retaining our people is key to our business sustainability. Employment conditions are crucial to our people’s satisfaction at work.
7. Staff health and well-being
Taking care of our people’s health and well-being continues to be a top priority on our people agenda.
8. Inclusion, diversity and equity
Fostering an inclusive, diverse and equitable workplace encourages open communication and allows our people to flourish, regardless of individual differences.
9. Climate action
To support our global climate goals, we strive to decarbonise our operations and work with business partners to reduce emissions in our value chain.
10. Circularity (New topic)
Embedding circular economy principles into our operation is a key lever to achieve KPMG’s net-zero target. It also drives us to procure circular materials and enhance end-of-life treatment.
11. Nature and biodiversity (New topic)
Business activities contribute to nature loss directly and indirectly. Protecting and restoring nature and biodiversity helps reduce carbon emissions and aligns with our net-zero target.
12. Financial and brand resilience
Ensuring healthy financial performance and a positive brand image is essential for building a resilient business in the long run.
13. Technology and innovation
Embracing the benefits of technology and innovation gives our business a cutting edge and helps address social and environmental issues.
14. Impactful community initiatives
Providing support through philanthropic investment, volunteering and pro bono services, and collaborating with non-profit organisations, has a positive impact on our communities.
15. Alignment with government priorities (New topic)
By actively engaging in public policy discussions and maintaining our trusted relationships with government authorities and regulators, KPMG China strives to contribute to China’s environmental, social and economic development and better align with the national policies and direction.
“KPMG China has grown and flourished alongside China’s rapid economic development. As we continue to grow our business in China, where we are deeply rooted, we remain grateful for the support. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China calls for a new era of achievement to drive high-quality development through promoting green and low-carbon development in our society. Embarking on this new journey, KPMG China will continue to fully support our national policies through Our Impact Plan and different key strategies, which all contribute to a bright future for China.”
Tracy Yang
Head of Corporate Affairs
Senior Partner, Eastern and Western Region
KPMG China