Fintech 2017
Fintech 2017
Faça o download das publicações mais recentes da KPMG sobre a Fintech e Inovação
- Robo advising
- The Pulse of Fintech Q4 2016
- 2016 Americas Alternative Finance Benchmarking Report
- Sustaining Momentum
- Bots in the Back Office
- Capitalizing on Robotics
- Harnessing the Power of Cognitive Technology to Transform the Audit
- Demystifying Digital Labor
- Digital labor and the future of finance
- Digital Labor Transforming Mortgage Business Model
- Embracing Cognitive Era
- Employees: An endangered species?
- The internet – everywhere, in everything
- From Human to Digital
- Getting Started with Digital Labor
- Succeeding in Disruptive Times
- Rise of the Humans
- Robotics Cognitive Automation Flyer
- Robotic Revolution
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