Interval funds: Asset Management's well-kept secret

Interval funds: Asset Management's well-kept secret

Gary Pickering

Partner, Head of Audit

KPMG in Bermuda

Interval funds: Asset Management's well-kept secret

Although not yet widely known, interval funds are beginning to make their mark in the investment management industry. For fund managers in the retail space, or private fund managers thinking about expanding their investor base, interval funds can be an attractive option for gathering assets. Interval funds allow fund managers to consider a wider range of investment strategies, including strategies that hold less liquid securities than typically found in open-end funds. At the same time, they offer investors some degree of liquidity with the potential for greater diversification and higher returns.

Currently, the interval fund space is relatively small but it is growing rapidly. This paper provides an overview of the key features of interval funds, the potential benefits to fund managers and investors, and the possible drawbacks.

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