Coming soon:
2023 KPMG Global Assignment Policies and Practices Survey Report

The 2023 report offers insights into how multinational organizations are evolving their global mobility programs to support their global workforces, including new insights on remote work policies. Stay tuned.

For global mobility leaders of multinational organizations, benchmarking your global mobility policies and practices against those of other global organizations and industry peers can be a powerful tool for reflecting on your current approach and planning how to prepare your talent mobility program for the future. To help, KPMG International conducts an ongoing annual survey of global mobility policies and practices of multinational organizations. While the number of participants continues to grow, the resulting database is already believed to be one of the most robust of its kind on a global scale, with input from over 375 multinational organizations in more than 25 countries and/or territories.

The data offers insights into global mobility programs and how they are evolving in terms of mobility, tax and immigration policies, structure, governance, priorities, performance measures, using technology and automation, and more.

Download the 2022 KPMG Global Assignment Policies and Practices Survey summary report and scroll down for more on this year's key findings.

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2022 KPMG Global Assignment Policies and Practices Survey

A look into how global mobility programs are evolving based on the survey results from over 375 multinational organizations in more than 25 jurisdictions worldwide.

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What do the latest results tell us?

The results of this year’s Global Assignment Policies and Practices (GAPP) survey shed light on how global mobility programs are evolving. In addition to compliance and global risk management, supporting the organization’s business objectives, controlling program costs and being adaptable to changing business requirements are clearly the top priorities for today’s global mobility leaders. The global talent mobility function's contribution to strategic value also now seems to be taking priority; being recognized as a trusted advisor and partner to the business playing a critical role in attracting, mobilizing, engaging, developing, and retaining global talent.

Organizations continue to offer greater flexibility in their talent mobility policy approaches — developing policy frameworks that are aligned to overarching talent and business development objectives. Fifty two percent of survey participants cite including core versus flexible provisions, followed by an observable trend of (18 percent) of participants beginning to adopt a cafeteria/menu/points-based approach expanding the range of choices for either the assignee or the business. Enabling choice for mobile employees to develop assignment and transfer packages best suited to their personal needs is on the rise. Enhancing overall employee experience is a critical factor for attracting, engaging, developing, and retaining key talent globally.

Organizations continue to adopt more purposeful approaches to mobilizing talent globally by strengthening the connections between talent management and global mobility functions. During 2022, 71 percent of survey participants ranked supporting overall business and talent development objectives as a top program goal for their international assignments.

Global talent mobility is too complex and important to employees and the organization to leave up to chance. Survey participants are particularly interested in solutions for producing assignment cost projections, automating assignment initiations, and creating supporting documents for assignments and transfers. Further, organizations are seeking fully integrated, ‘single source of data truth’ technology solutions (often with their external service partners) that span the whole spectrum of talent mobility and provides self-service options for employees via online portals and mobile technology solutions integrated with mobility phase processes.

Fast-moving organizations do not want to be bogged down in transactions and typically outsource high-volume complex transactions like individual tax compliance. Survey participants outsource relocation management services (82 percent), destination services (70 percent), tax consulting (91 percent), tax return preparation (89 percent), and immigration (84 percent), so they can focus on providing a superb employee experience, participate in strategic talent planning and future workforce shaping, and demonstrate a return on investment for their organizations including successful assignment completions and post assignment retention against employee mobility spend.

Emerging from the recent global pandemic, many workers, especially those in professional services, still favor working remotely at least part of the time. According to KPMG’s 2022 Global CEO Outlook survey, CEO’s are changing how they support and attract talent, and their efforts are buoyed by a focus on their people and continuing to experiment with ways of working. In the long term, the employee value proposition to attract and retain the necessary talent is tied as the top operational priority to achieving 3-year growth objectives. While remote working has had a positive impact on hiring, collaboration and productivity over the past 2 years, 65 percent of CEOs see in-office as the go-to office environment over the next 3 years.

Benchmark your organization today!

KPMG’s Global Mobility Services practice members can provide a personalized benchmarking report allowing you to compare your organization across key areas of interest. Participants find this useful in evaluating their organizational policies against a specific set of parameters. In addition to key organizational demographics and global mobility policy overview, the survey questions follow an overarching framework of the key phases of an international assignment and transfer life cycle with additional relevant topical categories covering immigration compliance, assignment management technology leverage, automation and robotics and program data and analytics insights.

If you would like to participate in the KPMG GAPP Survey and receive a personalized benchmarking report, please click here. To learn more about how KPMG’s Mobility Consulting Services can help you build an operating model that serves and delivers for your organization, please send an email to