As a growing and transforming business, you understand how valuable funding can be to help you take your business to the next level. The Belgian (Flemish, Brussels and Walloon) governments and the EU offer a wide range of targeted incentives to help you get there. KPMG’s Grants & Incentives practice is experienced in identifying relevant incentives for your operations and at enhancing your chances of a successful application for these incentives. If you have ambitious plans to grow, innovate, transform or rethink your operations, and are wondering how you can effectively finance and realize these plans, KPMG is your ideal partner.

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How we can help

When applying for an incentive, the level of funding is determined case-by-case, based on the eligibility and quality of the application. We often find that senior management and subject matter experts within enterprises lack the time to monitor available incentives and deliver high-quality applications supported by sound documentation. Applying for an incentive can be a time-consuming process, including determining applicant eligibility, defining the project, completing the application forms, technical assessment, tracking of activities and preparation of documents. And while a successful application for an incentive may allow you to pursue your goals, you also need to ensure that you appropriately manage and report for the received funding, as well as treat this correctly for bookkeeping and taxation purposes (incl. income tax and VAT). 

KPMG helps enterprises overcome the challenges of preparing and managing applications and funding.

Our services include:

  • Reviewing your research and development plans and enhancing them for available sources of funding;
  • Identifying (R&D) activities and operations within your company that are eligible for funding;
  • Assisting in obtaining funding from Belgian and EU funds;
  • Providing support if your in-house team lacks specific skills or time;
  • Detailing, challenging and optimizing your business case in relation to the innovation, transformation or investment at hand;
  • Acting as a sparring partner and trusted sounding board throughout the entire application process, including subsequent follow-up steps; and
  • Multidisciplinary advice in relation to the tax and tax-based R&D incentives, legal and accounting implications of the received funding (e.g. intellectual property and tax exemptions and credits).


Our practice

Our dedicated multidisciplinary team, comprising tax, legal, finance, science and engineering professionals, have extensive experience in supporting enterprises of every size and scale, and in all industry sectors. We can assist you with drafting the technical aspects of the application documents, ensuring they are appropriately presented while delivering a high degree of flexibility. During this process, we screen your business case and challenge your ambitious plans and goals where appropriate, to enhance your chances for success. In doing so, we share the same goal as our clients: making sure the innovation at hand will substantiate and strengthen the business case.

The process

Typically, we start with a short interview to address the most important topics, such as your ambitious plans, the business case, your team and finances. Based on this interview, we list a series of opportunities for incentives and develop a tailor-made offering, centered around your needs. The next step includes organizing in-depth interviews in which we gather the necessary information to elaborate on a successful grant application, and more importantly, we draft a business and innovation plan that will deliver on your company’s ambitions. We take care of the administrative paperwork and make sure you’re well prepared for the expert committees. We approach every collaboration with flexibility to ensure that your needs are carefully looked after.


Our tried and tested methodology is designed to help future-proof applications for incentives. We have an established track record in liaising with authorities to facilitate a successful approach in the preparation of applications, and in helping to mitigate risks upfront. We tailor our working arrangements to your needs, which can include a fully outsourced solution where we complete the entire application preparation on your behalf, or a co-sourced solution where we work closely with you on your application preparation. Once the application is successful, we can advise you on all tax, legal and accounting aspects of the received funding to gain efficiency and save you precious time and costs.

If you don’t have any concrete plans yet but are curious about potential opportunities for incentives for your business, we are also happy to set up an orientation call with you to help you get started.

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