The Global Japanese Practice of the worldwide KPMG-network supports Japanese companies with global operations, as well as non-Japanese companies needing strategy assistance in Japan. The practice was established in 1978, and comprises professionals who team with their colleagues of the KPMG-network worldwide to provide a full range of audit, tax and advisory services.

How KPMG can help

KPMG’s Global Japanese Practice is made up of a network of professionals dedicated to serving Japanese businesses in 60 major cities worldwide. This means that we can draw on the collective skills, knowledge and experience of our people for the benefit of our Japanese clients.


The Global Japanese Practice in Belgium consists of two Japanese professionals and four professionals specialized in Audit, Tax, Advisory and Legal services respectively. They act as a single point of contact for the full range of the KPMG network’s services. Their extensive knowledge and understanding of both the Belgian and Japanese markets, as well as global markets, help our clients anticipate, understand and manage the many commercial and country specific challenges facing them.