Several waves of crisis are affecting health systems across the globe, including rising demand among aging populations suffering high chronic-disease burdens, continuing workforce shortages and the harmful effects of climate change on health. Whether it concerns high, middle, or low-income countries and territories, public or private, healthcare systems around the world are facing similar issues which often lead to compromised affordability, accessibility and quality of care.

To deal with these issues, we believe that a fundamental change of course in how healthcare systems operate is essential. Senior healthcare leaders should be seeking transformational and innovative approaches to sector problems given the magnitude of the challenges.

The challenges facing healthcare today demand more than incremental change—they require bold transformation. By embracing innovation and collaboration, we can build more resilient, inclusive, and sustainable health systems for the future.

Wannes Verschueren
Partner | Technology
KPMG Belgium

Healthcare Horizons Revisited examines trailblazing examples and successful transformation programs from across the globe in order to derive insights on the ‘how to’ of healthcare transformation. This report is intended for leaders in healthcare provider, commissioner/payor and regulatory organizations.

This publication builds on the insights outlined in the original Healthcare Horizons report published in January of 2023.

This report contains insights on the following topics:

  1. The case for transformation
    Five factors driving the need for change in how healthcare systems are operated.
  2. Trailblazing the future for healthcare
    Predicting five key characteristics for inclusive and sustainable health systems.
  3. Healthcare transformers
    Examining key enablers of lasting and impactful change through healthcare leader interviews.
  4. Charting a course to inclusive and sustainable health systems
    Actionable insights for ambitious transformation in healthcare.
  5. Five common transformation obstacles
    Practical advice on how to navigate around them.


The aim of Healthcare Horizons Revisited is to provide a compelling case for transformation in healthcare systems. We feel that action should be taken now to improve sustainability and resilience of these vital systems. At the same time, we realize that the depth of transformation required for a truly sustainable and inclusive future is daunting. By showcasing trailblazing examples and transformer interviews that illustrate where radical change is already happening, we believe we can offer a beacon of hope. While change is not easy or fast, these encouraging examples show it is possible.