The banking industry is facing uncertainty in a rapidly changing world, but through adversity comes opportunity.

The COVID-19 crisis has been an unexpected test of banks’ operational resilience, but other major disruptions are likely to occur in the future. It is essential for banks to strengthen their operational resilience and business continuity planning to weather this storm and prepare for possible future shocks.

As the ECB itself notes, its priorities have increasingly turned to areas relating to the resilience and sustainability of banks. Read our latest report to understand how regulators and supervisors are responding – and how they are bringing their focus on operational resilience up to that of financial resilience.

This report (PDF 1.7 MB) looks at:

  • What is operational resilience and why is it more important than ever?
  • How has the supervisor viewed the topic to date and what is the outlook?
  • How can operational resilience be achieved?
  • How can banks benefit from strengthening their operational resilience?

If you wish to discuss any of the findings in our report, do get in touch to see how KPMG ECB Office can support you.

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