Our people define who we are as an organization and change starts with us. Uplifting and empowering the remarkable people that work here is the key to success — especially when working toward a more sustainable future.
Baréma Bocoum
Restructuring Partner, Paris, KPMG in France
Forming a global COVID response team to help keep the global economy afloat.
When the world went into lockdown in March 2020, Baréma recalls a conversation with his teary-eyed young son. Like so many people, his son felt the weight and anxiety of the unknown.
“He turned to me, tears and fright on his face. He came in for a cuddle and asked, "Daddy, what are you going to do?”
That moment prompted Baréma to question “what can I do to make a difference?” He went on to build an international COVID-19 response team of experts in finance, tax and law. Hear how his team’s efforts to simplify complex government measures across 200+ countries helped keep clients in business and save jobs around the world — an achievement Baréma looks forward to one day sharing with his son.
Rania Hawi
Advisory Consultant, Chicago, KPMG in the US
Asking the right questions to get frontline staff the support they need
At the onset of the pandemic, Rania and her team committed to do whatever they could to support Chicago’s first responders. The team leaned into its KPMG philosophy to ‘stay curious’ when speaking to frontline workers.
“At KPMG, we're built to keep asking questions, to get to the root of what people need, whether they're our clients or our communities. What else do you need, we asked?”
Their initial idea – to provide food supplies – was already being addressed by many other groups. But this KPMG consulting team’s approach uncovered an opportunity to deliver something invaluable – and unexpected – to front-line workers who needed it most.
Louisa Villeneuve
Risk Consultant, London, KPMG in the UK
Building an emergency COVID hospital in just 10 days.
“You learn of the great deeds and sacrifices our forebears made in moments of crisis. And you wonder: how would I respond in those moments?”
When COVID hit the UK last year, like other countries around the world, the UK was navigating lockdown and the potential strain on the country’s health service. Louisa was at home enjoying her birthday, when her inbox pinged with a stream of alerts from the UK firm. The task? Work with the army and government’s healthcare teams to build an emergency hospital for the region. Within an hour, her bag was packed. Now, as she has a chance to reflect, she talks about the humbling experience, working with front line heroes, and the pride she feels in her country and the firm.
“I'll never forget that experience, and I'll never forget the people. The camaraderie, the small moments of joy, the shared commitment. And all the cups of tea.”
Throughout this webpage, “we”, “KPMG”, “us” and “our” refers to the global organization or to one or more of the member firms of KPMG International Limited (“KPMG International”), each of which is a separate legal entity.