All companies are facing climate-related risks and opportunities – and are making strategic decisions in response.

In this podcast, Reinhard Dotzlaw asks our global experts to each give an insight into how these climate-related risks and strategic decisions could impact financial statements.  

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Reinhard Dotzlaw Accounting impacts of climate-related risks
Brian O’Donovan What are the potential impacts of leasing polluting assets?
Eiichi Fujita What’s the impact on useful lives and residual values of PP&E and intangible assets?
Irina Ipatova

How do you account for emissions or ‘green’ schemes?

Anthony Voigt

Have you recorded all of your environmental and decommissioning obligations?

Gabriela Kegalj What’s the impact on the going concern assessment and related disclosures?

Ryan Jong

What's the impact on expected credit losses?
Colin Martin

Do green bonds contain embedded derivatives?

Brian O’Donovan

Do you have a lease of green technology?


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