New fee reduction for corporate registration matters

New fee reduction for corporate registration matters

Tax & Legal News Flash | Issue 39

New fee reduction for corporate registration matters

Effective from 21 April 2018, government fees for corporate registration and other corporate matters have been substantially reduced as announced under the Ministerial Regulation Prescribing Rates, Decreasing and Waiving of Fees for Registration, Inspection of Documents, Certified Copies of Documents and Other Fees in Relation to Partnerships and Limited Companies, B.E. 2561 (2018) (“Ministerial Regulation”).

According to the Ministerial Regulation, corporate registration fees for several registration matters of a limited company have been changed to flat rates. Among others, the significant fee reductions include:

  • According to the Ministerial Regulation, corporate registration fees for several registration matters of a limited company have been changed to flat rates. Among others, the significant fee reductions include:
  • Government fee for registering a capital increase in a limited company incorporated in Thailand which has been substantially reduced from the maximum rate of Baht 250,000 depending on the increased capital amount to a flat rate of Baht 500 per application.

In addition, in case of e-Registration applications, the registration fees will be further reduced by 30 percent from normal rates which is effective until 31 December 2020, except for a partnership or a company which has been granted a reduction under other ministerial regulation.

We welcome any opportunity to discuss the relevance of the above matter upon request. 

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