Foresight – A global infrastructure perspective: Special edition – January 2017

Foresight – A global infrastructure perspective 2017

The top 10 emerging trends in infrastructure for 2017 and beyond, according to KPMG’s Infrastructure team

Emerging Trends in Infrastructure

Around the world, uncertainty is rife. Political agendas and social expectations are changing. Global, regional and national institutions are weakening. Power is shifting. And technology is disrupting everything. Foresight – A global infrastructure perspective: Special edition looks at the top 10 emerging trends that we are seeing in infrastructure for 2017 and beyond. 

In 2016, we led our Emerging Trends report with the prediction that ‘no normal will become the new normal’. This year, we see a continuation of many of those trends. Political uncertainty will undoubtedly continue, both in the developed and emerging markets. Funding, as opposed to finance, will continue to be a key challenge, even while governments strive to develop innovative mechanisms to unlock their pipelines. The demand to get more from existing investments will only heighten.  

At the same time, new trends are emerging (or, in some cases, evolving). Governments are rethinking their approach to funding and capital investment. Transparency in public sector decision-making is increasing as public discourse rises. Access to new technologies is changing the way governments and investors plan and manage infrastructure.

The report aims to help decision-makers and investors better understand the changes flowing through the sector, as well as catalyse responsible leadership on a global scale and a wider debate on infrastructure morality. 

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