Regulatory - Hot news

Regulatory - Hot news

ECB annual report, the reason for peer analysis, European authorities view on IFRS 9, data and compliance, insurance groups taking a portfolio approach, and much more.

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ECB Update

The ECB Update offers you the latest insights on the ECB supervisory approach: the annual report, stress-test, european authorities view on IFRS 9, thematic review on risk data aggregation and reporting, the rason for peer analysis, and more.

Finding clarity in data protection regulation

The finalized text of the General Data Protection Regulation was adopted on 14 April 2016 by the European Parliament and shall replace the Data Protection Directive 95/46/EC. The new rules of the GDPR will help to stimulate the Digital Single Market in the EU by creating trust and legal certainty in the online environment. It is clear that the GDPR establishes a modern and harmonized data protection framework strengthening the rights of the EU citizen’s.

Frontiers in Finance

The focus of the latest issue of Frontiers in Finance is on having the courage to change.

BEPS Action 13 - Latest country-by-country implementation

This summary report is updated and expanded regularly to offer a snapshot of implementation of country-by-country reporting and master file/local file documentation requirements around the world, in response to the OECD's BEPS Action 13 recommendations.

KPMG Conference on ECB as a Single Supervisor - Videos

Insights into ECB’s operating model as Single Supervisor.

FS Regulatory Newsletter

Our FS Regulatory newsletter brings you the latest insights and news from our experts on regulatory change.

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