Frontiers in Finance articles archive
Frontiers in Finance articles archive
View articles from the Frontiers in Finance archive.
- Talent strategies for insurance companies
- Senior managers regime challenges
- Perfect storm drives investment banks to add FinTech innovation
- Building investment bank culture to drive competitive advantage
- Wealth management transformation
- Insurance companies build talent management strategies to bridge growing skills gap
- Lessons in currency trading risk from the recent Swiss franc and Euro volatility
- Alternative investments and institutional investors: Pension funds driving a changing future for hedge fund managers
- Insurance and big data analytics: Data management strategies could give insurers competitive advantage
- Chief Data Officers will be the next generation of leaders driving data quality assurance and bank transformation
- Insurers investing in insurance FinTech startups
- Wealth managers apply social media analytics to stay close to customers and stay ahead of risks
- Social Physics: How good ideas spread and lessons for the banking sector
- IFRS 9: Making the transition – Challenges and opportunities
- The G20 summit: Time for reflection on the agenda for financial services
- New approach to data integration can help financial services organizations master their unstructured data
- Complex and opaque alternative investments demand a different approach to pension fund governance
- Increased capital markets automation demands greater focus on managing complex operational risk
- Investment banks rethink finance offshoring model: Casting a critical eye on finance shared service centers
- Banks and insurers confront technology transformation: Why legacy system renewal projects may fail to deliver?
- Putting the customer first – For real
- Cutting through concepts: Virtual currencies get real
- Data: An integral driver in transforming the operating model
- Insurers ‘reclaim’ customer experience with digital tools
- New pressure on investment management: Regulating remuneration
- Global regulatory cooperation under threat: Tension over US bank capital proposals
- Systemic risk: A limitation of traditional risk management practices
- How technology has driven change in the payment services industry
- Regulatory roundtable: Bank supervision focuses on technology and data risk
- Leveraging visual analytics for real-time business intelligence
- Cyber crime: Insurers in the firing line
- Rebuilding and reinforcing banks’ risk data infrastructure
- Managing data throughout its lifecycle
- Frontiers in Finance – April 2014
- More effective risk culture in banking
- Regulatory reporting: Challenges for markets and regulators
- Moving on – Does the industry get it?
- Embedding real culture change and managing talent risk
- Micro-insurance under the microscope
- Importance of an integrated approach
- China rising: The focus of payments moves east
- Western banks in Asia – What does it take to succeed?
- Western banks in Asia – Success factors
- Unlocking the opportunity within: Predictive analytics and modeling in insurance
- Rethinking operations
- Pivot, tweak or pounce: Strategic challenges in wealth management
- Chief Data Officers drive crucial bank data governance
- Post-banking crisis regulatory reform continues to impact banking sector with many intended and unintended consequences
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