I joined KPMG in 2004 and am a Partner in Audit. My sector knowledge includes automotive, information technology, media, oil & gas, chemicals, consumers credit, as well as distribution, hotels, and non- profit organizations. I have gained experience in conducting various non-audit engagements including consolidation, business combinations, SOX and specific project for the European Commission. My major clients report under IFRS, and my client portfolio includes non-listed family owned companies, as well as listed Belgian entities.

  • Audit
  • Automotive
  • Energy and Natural Resources
  • Financial Statement Audit
  • Hotels and Hospitality
  • Information Services
  • Media
  • Oil and Gas
  • Technology
  • Travel, Leisure, Tourism
  • Master Degree in Business and Administration, University of Mons

  • Certified Auditor, Institute of Chartered Accountants Belgium (IBR-IRE)