Diederik Bogaerts

Director, Indirect Tax | Tax, Legal & Accountancy

KPMG in Belgium

I joined KPMG in 2001. I have experience in various industries: Oil & Gas, Chemical, Consumer, Automotive, Textile and Transport & Logistics. I advise multinationals regarding the implications of trade, customs and excise duties on their business in the European Union. I also advise multinationals on tax planning and cost-saving opportunities. I have worked on international projects focusing on risk management and the optimization of the supply chain.


  • Automotive
  • Chemicals and Performance Technologies
  • Consumer Products
  • Energy and Natural Resources
  • Food, Drink and Consumer Goods
  • Indirect Tax
  • Oil and Gas
  • Tax
  • Textiles and Clothing
  • Transport and Logistics
  • Master in Law, University of Antwerp

  • Master in Maritime Law, University of Antwerp