Driving Indirect Tax Performance

Driving Indirect Tax Performance

Driving Indirect Tax Performance is an approach that provides global businesses with a practical, yet in-depth, framework within which the twin objectives of successfully managing risk and creating value can be achieved, effectively and efficiently.  The key is that tax, including indirect tax, is an active participant in driving business value, rather than a passive detached support function.

A common purpose

Achieving a common purpose means having an indirect tax strategy which contributes to the overall strategy of the business while delivering business-wide awareness and understanding of the indirect tax strategy and clarity on the roles and responsibilities of the indirect tax department and other business units.

Embedded processes

Having embedded processes means having common processes and controls over indirect tax risks which are implemented consistently across the business and provide greater accountability, responsibility and help to minimize errors in a standardized, preventative manner.

High performing teams

Having a high performing indirect tax team means having a team which recognizes its role within the organization, has the required level of technical, management and other skills and is appropriately trained, motivated and rewarded.

Timely and accurate information

In addition to meeting compliance deadlines, having timely and accurate information means having confidence in the underlying financial information on which VAT/GST returns are based.

Enabling technologies

Enabling technologies means developing and implementing indirect tax information systems which are integrated into the financial and other reporting systems of the business and help to provide more robust, cost effective and auditable information.

One view of performance

One view of performance means that there is a single business wide information system and framework by which to assess it. This should help to eliminate the risks associated with different parts of the business operating with different versions of the same information

Influencing stakeholders

Influencing stakeholders involves the development of a two-way communication process between the indirect tax function and the key internal and external stakeholders.

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