Make an AFSL complaint – KPMG

KPMG’s Australian Financial Services Licensees, KPMG Financial Advisory Services (Australia) Pty Ltd AFSL 246901 and KPMG Financial Services Consulting Pty Ltd AFSL 392050 are committed to dealing with client complaints fairly and resolving issues in a timely manner, particularly in relation to retail clients.

If you are a retail client of one of these entities and you wish to make a complaint there are a number of channels available to you.

  • You can raise your concerns with the KPMG authorised representative who provided the financial services.
  • You can write to the AFSL Complaints Officer, KPMG, GPO Box 2291U, Melbourne VIC 3000, or send an email to the AFSL Complaints mailbox.
  • If you have difficulty putting your complaint in writing, you can call the AFSL Complaints Officer on (03) 9288 5555 and they will assist you in documenting your complaint.

We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint, in writing, within one business day or as soon as practicable.

Following an investigation of your complaint, you will receive a written response within 30 calendar days provided we have all the information necessary to deal with your complaint. If we need further information we will agree on an alternative timeframe with you.

If we are unable to resolve your complaint within 30 calendar days, we will let you know the reasons for the delay and advise you of your right to refer the matter to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA).

AFCA’s contact details are:

Phone: 1800 931 678
Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA)
GPO Box 3
Melbourne VIC 3001



Complaints from wholesale clients are not subject to this process or the related policy. Any such complaints are managed in accordance with the arrangements in place directly with those clients.

If your complaint does not relate to services performed under one of KPMG’s AFSLs, please email us by completing the contact form and selecting 'General inquiry' from the dropdown menu.