He also brings the benefit of international experience. “Insurance is a truly global industry and I have been fortunate enough to spend several years working in Europe and with clients around the globe. These experiences and networks are becoming even more invaluable as technology and innovation increases the pace of change and connectivity around the globe.”
David has more than 30 years' experience in financial services, delivering a range of audit and advisory services focused in the insurance and wealth management sectors. This has included external and internal audit and advising clients on regulatory change, risk management, finance transformation, corporate governance and accounting.
In his spare time, David is kept busy as the father of three teenagers. “Those who know me, know that I am absolutely passionate about sport – whether watching my kids or favourite team or participating. The legs are slowing down these days, however I still enjoy running and cycling and have recently become involved in a sports related charity which I am very excited about.”
Bachelor of Economics, Sydney University
Audit & Risk Committee, Australian Paralympic Committee