Integrated offering
Integrated offering
Today’s deals require you to look at the bigger picture, from your business as a whole to the entire global marketplace.
Today’s deals require you to look at the bigger picture
Today’s deals don’t get done in a vacuum.
Now more than ever, when you’re involved in any type of deal or restructuring, more factors come into play. Cross-border trade, new data protection laws and regulatory influences are just a few of the many issues that shape the questions you need to ask and the actions you need to take. In addition, the amount of data you need to analyze has increased exponentially.
Even as you’re facing more influences and more data, you have less time to make the right decisions. Because deal speed is increasing as well. So not only do you need to ask more questions – you need to start asking them sooner.
Our integrated offering gives you the broad range of insights you need.
Issues around strategy, taxation and the regulatory environment are just a few of those that are likely to arise during a transaction. The earlier issues are explored, the more time and options you have to address them effectively.
That’s why we start asking questions from day one and alert you to any matters that could benefit from the perspectives of the right specialist. Our teams can then pull in the needed resources from dozens of specialty areas within our tax, audit and advisory groups.
By continually looking beyond the lifecycle phase you’re in, and even beyond the transaction itself to your business as a whole, we can help ensure that you’re always asking the right questions and turning to the right people for the answers. Those are the keys to helping you minimize risks and drive value in the short term and the long run.
Thinking beyond the boundaries of our engagement and working to exceed expectations around value.
Many times we need to look outside the transaction itself to uncover insights around synergies, upsides, stakeholder matters, integration issues and more. Here are just a few of the types of questions we may ask that may drive value in unexpected ways:
- What is the impact of the FDD report findings on the phases of the transaction outside our engagement?
- How can we help you leverage our findings for the SPA?
- What are the potential impacts on value not just for the transaction phase for which we’ve been engaged, but for those beyond it?
- What are the risks to integration?
- What risks or upside opportunities can be realized for a standalone business?
The time to focus on end-value and risk mitigation is at the very start. By exploring more value realization issues during the evaluation phase, rather than waiting until later stages, we can help drive more insights into where value can be found and how to secure it.
Proven tools and methodologies
Wherever in the world you engage with KPMG, you will benefit from:
- Proprietary methodologies, such as our Nine Levers of Value and Five CEO Challenges, which are applied consistently from the strategy through execution phases.
- A standardized approach that structures our offering based on phases of a transaction life cycle and on the associated decisions that need to be made.
- Proven approaches including our global Integration, Financial Due Diligence and Sell-Side methodologies.
- Predictive analytics. Through our partnership with McLaren Group, our teams provide a deep understanding of market and competitive trajectories.
- Technology, such as Benchmarking Plus, SPI, and Advanced Analytics, help to enable more insights at the speed of the deal.
Discover more about our Integrated Offering by contacting us.
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