Revenue acceleration for digital leaders: Is your organization keeping up?
Revenue acceleration for digital leaders
Article Posted date15 October 2018
Many organizations are struggling to turn digital strategies into a reality but three key factors are helping 'digital leaders' stay ahead of the pack.
Companies across the corporate spectrum are striving to implement digital transformation strategies to drive up agility, responsiveness and enhance the customer experience. Whilst many are finding this difficult, Harvey Nash/KPMG CIO Survey 2018 sees the emergence of a clear group of digital leaders1 who are seeing higher revenue growth than their competition.
But what are digital leaders doing differently? Our data and experience has identified three key priorities that we believe organizations must embrace to drive a successful digital strategy. The report looks at each of these in more detail:
- Be customer obsessed
- Make it real through people
- Create a framework for innovation
Please download the full report - Revenue acceleration for digital leaders (PDF 1.8 MB).
1Organizations identified in the survey as being very or extremely effective at using digital technologies to advance their business strategy.
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