KPMG’s Dynamic Audit - Powered by D&A Innovations
KPMG’s Dynamic Audit - Powered by D&A Innovations
Article Posted date8 October 2015
Dynamic Audit, powered by D&A innovations, digs deeper into the data, revealing more about the business and its risks.
At KPMG, we’ve been performing audits for over 100 years, and we’ve never been more excited about the value of our audits today.
Our Dynamic Audit, powered by Data & Analytics (D&A) innovations, digs deeper into the data, revealing more about the business and its risks. This, combined with a relentless commitment to quality, makes for a highly effective, highly insightful audit. And we think that’s value.
Innovation is about more than the development and integration of tools. Its true value lies in sum being greater parts. Our state-of-the-art workflow amplifies our industry expertise by evaluating what we’re doing in our audit and providing us with added and ongoing knowledge about the business.
Our interactive audit D&A solutions, combined with our deep knowledge of the business and industry, enable us to filter, visualize, analyze, and extract information from the data like never before. Information that’s valuable to our audit.
Insights come to life through impactful and interactive visualizations accessed through an intelligent interface.
What this all means for us is better audit evidence resulting in a higher quality audit. What it means for our clients is new insights into their business. All of this adds up to more value.
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