KPMG Incident Response Services

As many organisations are recognizing and experiencing firsthand, cyber-attacks and crimes are no longer a matter of if, but when. Recent cyber breaches at major corporations highlight the increasing sophistication, stealth and persistence of cyberattacks that  organisations are facing today. These breaches and cybercrimes not only impact businesses but are also  influencing increased regulatory measures. 

The loss of intellectual property, customer data and other sensitive information, as well as he disruption of business operations, can cause severe financial and reputational damage. For leading businesses, cyberattacks and cybercrimes may pose a direct threat to the safety of their people, data and brand. KPMG can assist organizations to effectively and efficiently respond to such events, after which it may be necessary to collect incidentrelated data, secure evidence and support legal and law enforcement inquiries. We conduct investigations to determine the cause of incidents and support preventative measures to detect future threats. Overall, we approach our work with clients not as a one-time project, but rather an adaptive strategy aligned to business goals, focused on delivering long-term value for organizations and, therefore, customers.

Who could be the victim of cybercrime?

Does your business offer ‘low-hanging fruit’? Is an easy target to breach? Or does your business appreciate the ease with which this fruit can be picked, and in contrast, ensure that you are higher up the tree, requiring more effort. 

When an incident occurs, it is not always clear how much data has been compromised. Also, when missing data is retrieved, if it is not protected (for example, encrypted) there is no assurance that it has not already been duplicated, stored elsewhere or forwarded. 

More than any other global crime, the swiftness and flexibility of data compromise challenges existing and future regulation and legislation. It can be perpetrated from anywhere in the world against any computer or network system. 

If you are a prime target – meaning, you have a lot of valuable data – you need to make sure you have a high level of security. If you are a target of chance, you need to make sure you are not the easiest of targets. 

To counter this threat, we encourage businesses to focus on prevention, detection and resiliency. The upsurge in data breaches, such as business email compromise, ransomware and phishing, shows that there is a need to take proactive measures to reduce your exposure to cybercrime, identify vulnerabilities and be able to respond to an incident. The latter is the most important when it comes to reducing downtime, and minimizing reputational damage and financial loss.