Our inaugural survey reveals that the real challenge faced by CFOs is not in forming a strategy for transformation, but in its execution. KPMG’s Finance Transformation professionals combine innovative approaches with sector expertise to deliver results.

As the modern organization evolves and businesses expand across jurisdictions, the finance function is increasingly shaped by new technologies. And the chief financial officer at the forefront of this transformation.

To better understand the opportunities and challenges faced by the finance function, KPMG Lower Gulf conducted a survey amongst CFOs. This report explores the issues, opportunities, focus areas and challenges she or he may face.

While survey results show the finance function’s transformation continues apace, CFOs face a multitude of challenges. Illustrating the potential for change, two of the top three challenges cited—digital maturity and talent management—are controllable factors (unlike the third challenge: economic uncertainty). While the solutions to these challenges are complex, we attempt to outline clear, actionable insights.

The report has been structured around three themes: key opportunities and focus areas; risks and barriers to change; structuring the finance function and talent management. These themes cannot be considered in isolation—a fact reflected in the consistency of insights gained across all three. In turn, many solutions and technologies are interoperable between each area.

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