How can we help you?

Business Health Check / Independent Business Review

  • Quick diagnostics on the current state of the business to identify potential impact of disruptions on the business, assess the extent of impact and evaluate the financial health of the business
  • Identifying operational quick-wins and initiatives (cost reduction, revenue improvement) to minimize the impact on the business
  • Discuss and analyze the various options to realistically consider for restructuring (as appropriate) 

Cash management and Working Capital Management

  • Liquidity and working capital management
  • Immediate and near-term funding requirements analysis
  • Development and transfer of robust cash-flow forecasting processes to management.
  • Identification of short/near term cash generation/preservation opportunities
  • Assistance with implementing these opportunities
  • Advice to management on effective communications with all key stakeholders?

Operational Restructuring

  • Operational restructuring: Delivering efficiency and profitability through to the bottom line.
  • Business Turnarounds: Creating decisive strategic and operational plans to turnaround underperforming companies.
  • Performance Improvement: Providing solutions to achieve operational improvements and measurable results  

Financial Restructuring

  • Valuations and pricing analysis
  • Development of robust operational and financial plans to underpin the restructuring
  • Communications and negotiations with lenders and other stakeholders
  • M&A and strategic financial advice
  • Contingency planning
  • Solvent reconstructions and liquidations


COVID-19 related insights for businesses in Kuwait