Mining and minerals

Mining companies count on KPMG

KPMG’s depth of experience in the mining industry helps give us a capacity to innovate that is truly vital in these times. We aim to offer our clients leading edge thinking as we advise on strategies that help attain major business goals.

Toronto and Vancouver are among KPMG’s 14 Mining Centres of Excellence across the globe. In Canada, the nexus of the global mining industry, our mining group enjoys daily exposure to the highest concentration of mining companies and mining listings in the world. The Canadian firm is a driving force in KPMG's Global Mining Network, which shares intelligence among all national member firms. Located near areas with high levels of mining activity, our Global Mining Network helps enable us to serve clients with consistent quality at head office and the mine site.

A changing market

While commodity prices are receding, investors are fleeing to more attractive industries. How much capital will eventually flow back to mining equities is in doubt, given the success of commodities ETFs. In these circumstances, many mining companies are concerned about protecting the business more than growing the business.

Mining companies in this position need to rely on carefully crafted financial strategies that preserve value. This includes keeping a tight grip on all major risks, such as:

  • Commodity price risk
  • Liquidity risk
  • Operating cost escalation
  • Capital cost escalation
  • Capital allocation
  • Resource nationalism

KPMG in Canada is also a member of the Mining Industry Task Force on IFRS formed by CPA Canada and PDAC. Through the Taskforce, KPMG shares views on IFRS application issues of interest to mining companies which are published in a series of Viewpoint papers.

Discover the KPMG difference

In the mining industry, KPMG is known for understanding current issues, attention to technical detail, and a relentless drive to innovate. Today’s mining challenges are unusually difficult, and most often call for financial solutions. Surround yourself with inspired KPMG mining professionals who can help you raise your game.

What are the top risks facing the mining industry?

What risk is top of mind for mining companies? As a leader in this dynamic industry, we want to get your thoughts on which risks are most pressing and pose the most challenges to your organization. In addition, we’d like to understand the strategies you deem crucial, such as technology adoption, to drive your organization's growth objectives.

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