Leveraging intelligent automation during COVID-19
Leveraging intelligent automation during COVID-19
COVID-19 has, in its relatively short tenure, already introduced unprecedented change (and business pressure) on organisations, and is expected to continue doing so for at least the next few months.
COVID-19 has, in its relatively short tenure, already introduced unprecedented change (and business pressure) on organisations, and is expected to continue doing so for at least the next few months. A few topical challenge areas currently being faced (uniquely or more predominantly) within COVID-19 times, include for example:
Increased workload with limited options to increase capacity (for example due to hiring freezes instituted) and the need to virtualise activities traditionally done in person. Employee morale and motivation also becomes a bigger challenge (given limited in-person contact and the consideration of “bigger concerns”). Further, productivity may be adversely affected (as a result of the morale impact, or more tangible elements such as IT and connectivity issues).
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