Ten Key Regulatory Challenges of 2020

Ten Key Regulatory Challenges of 2020

The financial services industry is experiencing dramatic transformation, challenging both regulators and financial services firms to keep pace.

Ten Key Regulatory Challenges of 2020

Ten Key Regulatory Challenges of 2020

Regulation continues to drive the strategic agenda. Organisations are required to manage the raft of new rules put forward by global, regional and national policy setting bodies that are changing the structure, supervision and governance of how they operate. Implementation of complex regulatory changes is forcing businesses to change the way they operate while pressure from stakeholders, the market and the competition is already driving change.

Shareholders are demanding that management evidence their ability to meet regulatory demands with limited resources, margins are tight and the pressure to differentiate in a competitive market is intense. In 2020 and beyond, increased regulator scrutiny is expected to continue, particularly in the financial services sector.

As firms pursue greater agility and resiliency, they are expanding their use of advanced data analytics, artificial intelligence, and innovative technologies, triggering further risk governance adjustments and regulatory attention in areas including safety and soundness and consumer protection. Regulators will increasingly assess how firms are adapting to market pressures and managing the associated risks, focusing on firms’ resilience, governance and controls, data security, and consumer protection—and expecting all to align with ethical and sound conduct practices.

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KPMG is the brand under which the member firms of KPMG International Limited (KPMG International) operate and provide professional services. Each firm is a separate legal entity and together they form the KPMG global organization. “KPMG in Southern Africa” is used to refer to the individual member firms within the KPMG organization in Mozambique, Zambia, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mauritius, and South Africa. The member firms comprising KPMG in Southern Africa are not a global partnership, single firm, multinational corporation, joint venture, or in a principal or agent relationship or partnership with each other.

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