Carbon Tax Webinar
Carbon Tax Webinar
KPMG and the Carbon Trust recently collaborated to host this informative and multi-disciplinary webinar on Carbon Tax. Watch the recording to discover key insights into the background and workings of this new legislation
Here are the key insights into the background and workings of this new legislation:
• The Big Picture
What does climate change mean for South Africa? Why is carbon regulation and stakeholder reporting expectations on the rise? During our discussion, we will benchmark South Africa’s response to climate change against international trends.
• The Carbon Tax
We will explore how this important instrument works, whilst giving you a step-by-step guide on how to ensure compliance, including some quick-win opportunities for your business to reduce its financial exposure.
• Other Carbon and Climate legislation
We will provide insights into the other external drivers and regulations that businesses should be aware of regarding climate change.
• Thinking differently about your Carbon footprint
This part of the discussion will focus on what your business can do to future-proof around carbon – looking at how you can get on the front foot beyond compliance.
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