Vinay Ramabhai

Head of Tax and Legal

KPMG in Zimbabwe

Vinay Ramabhai became a partner in October 2015 after spending 10 years in the audit function of KPMG UK in London. He has been with KPMG for over 22 years. He is the current chairman of the Tax Committee of Zimbabwe Accounting Practices Board (ZAPB). The ZAPB is a technical sub-committee of the Public Accountants and Auditors Board (PAAB). He is also the chairman of the Tax and Other legislation Committee of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Zimbabwe (ICAZ). He is the past chairman of Finance and Administration Committee of The Zimbabwe Institute of Tax Accountants (ZITA). Vinay is a speaker at the KPMG IFRS, Tax and Business Seminar hosted by KPMG Zimbabwe annually. Over the years, Vinay was involved ensuring that the tax specialist services on the external financial statement audits were conducted in the appropriate manner maintaining audit quality. Vinay’s role with ZAPB, ICAZ, and KPMG requires him to interact with the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority at both technical and senior management levels.

  • Chartered Accountant (Z)

  • Certified Tax Accountant

  • PAAB Registered Tax Accountant

  • PAAB Registered Public Auditor

  • Audit and Tax

  • Tax Advisory and Compliance