
Andrew Weir

Global Head of Asset Management & Real Estate

KPMG International

Andrew is KPMG’s Global Chair of Asset Management and Real Estate. He has over 30 years of experience servicing listed companies, public bodies, investment funds and MNCs in Hong Kong, the Chinese Mainland, Asia and internationally. He has a keen interest in corporate governance, board leadership and business in the community, and leads the quarterly KPMG Independent Non-Executive Directors Forum.

Andrew is a Fellow of the HKICPA, and is a Fellow of the ICAEW as well as the Institute of Directors. He is a regular speaker at forums, universities and business schools on governance and business issues.

Andrew is is Senior Partner of KPMG in Hong Kong (SAR), and has served in a number of senior national, global and regional roles with KPMG. \Andrew also sits on the Global Client Advisory Board and is the Chair of the Audit Management Board. Andrew chairs KPMG’s UK-China corridor, leading efforts to establish greater linkages between Chinese, UK and International business and investment partners. Andrew previously was the Head of Capital Markets, KPMG China, and ASPAC Head of Infrastructure, Government and Healthcare and ASPAC Head of Asset Management.

Andrew was appointed by the HKSAR Government as Deputy Chairman of the Financial Services Development Council (FSDC) and chairs its Governance Committee. Andrew was previously appointed by the HKSAR Government as a council member of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC). He sits on the Greater Bay Belt and Road Committee and chairs the Global Belt and Road Forum and other trade committees.  He is Chairman of the Listing Review Committee and previously chaired the Listing Committee of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. Andrew is Chairman of Pacific Basin Economic Council and Plan International. He is a Director of Asia Pacific Real Estate Association and Asian Association for Investors in Non-Listed Real Estate Vehicles.  He was previously Chairman of the British Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong and of Community Business Leadership Council as well as a member of the International Business Council.

Andrew was made an MBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List 2017 for his contribution to trade and investment links between Hong Kong, China and the UK and was awarded Director of the Year by the Institute of Directors for his services to the NGO sector. He is a Justice of the Peace. He has a Masters degree in Economic Development and an Honours degree in Economics.

  1. Areas of expertise
    • Asset Management
    • Capital Markets
    • Financial Services
  2. Education & qualification
    • MA in Economic Development

    • BA (Hons) in Economics

  3. Accreditations
    • Fellow of ICAEW

    • Fellow of HKICPA

    • Fellow of IoD